Friday 30 March 2007

8) We have lift-off

On Monday morning a small team of artists assembled at North End Printers to collect all the publicity material for Open Up 2007. Its quite a major task for Sharon (Project Manager), collating the numbers of each item requested by the artists – A3 & A4 posters, flyers, full colour brochures, questionnaire sheets and a hints and tips leaflet. The printers help by counting the items and packaging according to postal district. Each volunteer then takes the packages for one of the districts and sorts them into carrier bags for each of their artists. These are then taken to Crookesmoor Community Centre on Saturday for the participants to meet over a cup of coffee and collect their material.
It’s time to start thinking about my mailing list. Over the past year I’ve got more organised and now I keep a record of people who visited last year or have bought a painting during the year. I tend to find that people happily give their consent to go on my mailing list and I stress that this is not just about selling paintings but the opportunity to meet up again and for them to see how things have progressed over the year. The colour brochures are a bit heavy to send through the post but I deliver quite a few by hand and distribute a large number to The Sheffield Society for the Encouragement of Art, Hallam Art Group and the Country Market (formerly WI) at Broomhill. They really are lovely brochures and I enjoy going through it each year.
This year I noticed that two artists living close to me have dropped out, which is a shame. It will be interesting to see whether that has any bearing on the numbers who visit.
My son has wasted no time scanning the new dates and logo into the blog – “Thankyou” to Peter, so it really is full-steam ahead now.
The future’s pink, very pink – let’s hope its rosy too!