Thursday, 24 April 2008

Final countdown

Just a quickie to say that my studio is more or less ready. I spent yesterday tidying up which included mopping the floor about 20 times - well, that's what it felt like anyway. And I have been absolutely exhausted this week, so felt like very hard work indeed. I never got a chance to paint my plinths so they are a bit the worse for wear, having been lent out and returned in a less than wonderful condition and what's more, I seem to have lost two large ones - I'm pretty gutted about that actually as they were really good and a perfect size for my work and I made them with some help from a friend and I can't understand how they can just disappear.... If anybody at Persistence has seen them knocking about I'd really appreciate their return. Or have I lent them to someone and just simply forgotten??

My studio has been subtly transformed from a working space to a half-baked gallery space with work-in-progress in the background. Actually what that means is it is neither one thing nor the other. Still, does me good to have a clearout. I still need to price up the work, though unfortunately much of it I will be reluctant to part with as its meant to be going off to galleries. Still, a generous offer would, I'm sure, persuade me to alter my plans. I also need to pick up my business cards, print off some flyers about future courses, and perhaps a flyer about my upcoming exhibitions and copies of recent features in specialist magazines. Ugh, I'm not so good at this publicity lark. But I AM looking forward to seeing people on Saturday, and seeing their reactions to my work. I always leave a comments book out, but don't often get any comments - people leave their contact details but no comments - any tips on how to improve this? (Mind you, I rarely leave comments so can't blame them).

I managed the last half hour of the launch party yesterday evening. It was good - a sizeable turnout and I liked the venue - the Novotel - it was spacious and light and airy and the food was quite good tho the sandwiches rock hard by the time I got there...I was chastised for not displaying my work there - but, geez, there's only so much a girl can do.

I finally got some feedback on this blog yesterday from several people. Its funny what a difference that has made to me - I feel much more inclined to write more freely just knowing that someone out there is reading and reacting to it. Shame its nearly at an end!! and I'm just getting into it.

I meant ot take some photos of my studio space once I'd tidied it up - I should have done a before and after actually - but by the time I'd finished I was SOOOOOOOOOO exhausted (honestly, if you saw me you'd think I'd got two black eyes) that I really couldn't even face getting my camera out of its bag. I shall take photos on Saturday however, and post them up for your delectation.

Hope to see you Saturday.


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